A heartbreaking story of twin girls losing both parents to illness in just months, leaving them in the care of their family.
Hannah was only 40 and fought hard against cancer. She found a lump under her arm and tried to keep it from her daughters, Isabelle and Emmy. They had already been through so much.
She had a double mastectomy and thought she was in the clear. But sadly, the cancer came back and spread to her bones. It was a tough battle, and she ended up in the hospital with pneumonia and other complications.
Hannah passed away on January 14, surrounded by her loved ones. Her brother, Thomas, shared how the girls were always by her side. They were so close, and it’s heartbreaking to think of their loss.
After their dad died in May 2023, Hannah was their whole world. Thomas said she was a super mum, always active and involved in their lives. The girls even worried about their dad being alone in heaven, but now they think their mum is with him.
Hannah’s mum, Phyllis, was there for her during her last days, caring for her at the hospital. Thomas is now raising funds for the twins’ care, and the community has stepped up, raising nearly £30,000.
It’s just so touching to see how much love and support is out there. The girls were there when their mum passed, thanking her for everything. It’s a reminder of how precious life is and how important family is during tough times.